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This little blurb is not a shot at Christian, it is a shot at Yankees fans in general. This isn't disrespecting Christian's insight and opinions, this is just a response to them to show him that they are not all/always right. I can agree with some things he says, but as a die-hard Red Sox fan, something needed to be done to right the wrong of that article being published in a Connecticut publication.

The first point I'd like to refute is how Christian describes the phrase "Yankees suck." The word "suck" in this case is not used to say that the Yankees are a bad team, that they are not a better team than the Red Sox or are not worthy of being in the World Series. The word "suck" is used to describe our hatred for the Yankees, just as you might tell your friend "you suck" when he tells you he can't cover your work shift. What is your friend bad at? Nothing at all, he just sucks. The scene was no different at Bentley than it was at UConn--kids running around screaming YANKEES SUCK after the D-Backs won the Series. I was one of those kids.

My next point is not a shot at the Yankees at all, it's more of a shot at the Red Sox. Christian did admit that he does not know a lot about baseball, so I do not blame him for being incorrect in his statement that the Yankees buy their teams while the Red Sox don't. In fact, the Red Sox had an opening day payroll of $110 million, which I believe was the highest in the league at the time. By the end of the season the Yankees' payroll had eclipsed the Red Sox, but that's no excuse for the Sox dumbass executive decisions. While the Yankees distribute their money to quality, team players, the Red Sox are blowing their money on guys that I can hit and field better than. The Sox need to get rid of the huge contracts they have for John Valentin, Troy O'Leary, Mike Lansing, and ESPECIALLY Carl Everett. Nomar Garciappara is statistically the best deal for the money in Major League Baseball. If the Red Sox did not have Dan Duquette as a general manager and they still can't beat the Yankees, there is no hope in Beantown.

Now Q made an excellent point in a casual conversation to me the other day: Red Sox fans haven't had anything to cheer about since 1918, so we will take anything we can get. The "demise" of the Yankees if you want to call losing in 7 games in the World Series that, is basically winning the World Series to a Red Sox fan. The Yankees have won upteen titles since then, yet their fans continue to bitch and whine when they do not win the title. Take the pompous bastard in my sociology class, and the one Yankees fan in my hall, who are confident that the Yankees will win the next five World Series. Give Red Sox fans a break. This is a rivalry, you don't just let your opponent drill shit down your throat year after year without taking a shot back. The Yankees losing in the World Series is failure to them, and that is a victory for Red Sox fans in the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry.

Finally, look at Yankees fans in general. I gave two examples already, and I would be extremely hard-pressed to find Red Sox fans who act the same way. Have you ever watched the local broadcasts of Yankees games in Connecticut? Fox Sports has the Yankee games, and they have this woman for an play-by-play commentator who is a bitch in every sense of the word. The Yankees can do no wrong. Every close play that goes against the Yankees is a bad call, no matter what the replay shows. A Yankee getting punched out on a pitch on the corner is a terrible call by the umpire, not a good pitch by "who the hell cares" on the mound. And for every 37 cool facts she has about the Yankees, she might mention something decent someone on the other team did. Watch the Sox on NESN sometime, and watch (for the most part) very impartial announcers who call the game, not the team. When the Red Sox/Yankees games were on Fox, I couldn't watch them. Take Mr. Posterboy himself, Derek Jeter. Twice during the World Series they showed close-ups of him holding a runner at second on a wild throw so he couldn't continue, and standing on the base when someone was rounding it to impede his progress. Some call it good baseball, I call it cheap. Either way it's against the rules and no one caught it and it added to my hatred of the Yankees.

The only reason I can post this on my website is because I know I have a leigion of Red Sox supporters who visit this. So Christian, please don't take this personally, I know you're a bastard Yankee fan, and I hope you don't think I'm a bastard Red Sox fan. Keep it real.

© 2001-2002 Chris Deptula, All Rights Reserved (well not really it's too expensive). This league is in no way affiliated with the The Wiffle Ball Inc. in Shelton, CT (CT pride, baby), although we are affiliated with those about to rock (we salute you) and someday our league will have its own judicial system so Drew can be fined for being late and Q can be suspended for being pissy.