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EWL 2001 Season



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Ellington Internet Empire

The Dark Side - Nash at URI

the night the world changed

The Night the World Changed 2

Ellington Yahoo! Pool League

visit the dark side of bressler hall, after you see the disturbing mud wrestling, lap dancing, nipple grabbing pictures, you'll wish you didn't








NOTE: This is awarded to the player who could beat the shit out of everyone else.


NOTE: This is awarded to the player who plays with Altoids in his pocket (defending champion Steve Pinto).


NOTE: This is awarded to the player who makes the best entrance to a wiffleball game.

SETH FINNICUM (and his rickity moped)

NOTE: This is awarded to the player who may be up there in age, but he still kicks ass.




NOTE: This is awarded to the player who shows up the latest to games, if he shows up at all.


NOTE: This is awarded to the sweatiest player.




NOTE: This is awarded to the player who would be most likely to take his pants off and/or show other people his penis.




NOTE: This is awarded to the wittiest player.


NOTE: This is awarded to the player who gets shafted the most.


NOTE: This is awarded to the player who has the most fun playing wiffleball and is the most fun to play wiffleball with. It's just a game. This player doesn't throw bats, get pissed at other players, shows up when he says he will, and is a guy you always want on your team.


NOTE: This is awarded to the league's most Caucasian player.

(Caucasian Invasion)






VOTE RECIPIANTS: Tall-Jack Park (6), Scrotum Stadium (3), Guerin's Field (2), Tautkus' Field (2), Nash's Field (1).



VOTE RECIPIANTS: Pete's no-hitter (4), Christian's diving catch (3), All-Star Game (3), Prom day tournament (2), Dan stubbing his toe (1), Mr. Guerin homering (1).



HONORABLE MENTION: Jim Honda, Dave Kluczwski, Christian Senger



VOTE RECIPIANTS: Chris Deptula (4), Andy Deptula (3), Chris Schroth (3), Mike Nash (2), Dan Bedard (2), Dave Kluczwski (1).



VOTE RECIPIANTS: Mike Nash (4), Chris Schroth (3), James Guerin (2), Pete DeOrio (2), Chris Deptula (2), Andrew Dunn (1).



VOTE RECIPIANTS: Andy Deptula (7), Chris Deptula (6), Jim Honda (1), Andrew Dunn (1).


The following are reflective conversations I had with some members of the Ellington Wiffleball League on Thursday, September 6. I asked some questions about the 2001 season, which we will all dearly miss. If you didn't happen to be online much that day, you missed out on getting some strange instant messages from me.

IV Benoit: hey peta, if you got a minute i was wondering if we could talk some

Auto response from Peteman66691: like a drifter i was born to walk alone....GOIN down
the only road i've ever known

IV Benoit: ok you dirty italian
Peteman66691: im back, what's up man
IV Benoit: oh hey, sorry about that
Peteman66691: your lucky, i just got back from a class
Peteman66691: like literally just got back
IV Benoit: "you're"
Peteman66691: "fuck off"
IV Benoit: take it up the (_)_)
IV Benoit: aight so can you answer a couple questions about wiffleball?
Peteman66691: no that's for your 60 percent male population and homosexual bentley
Peteman66691: sure thing
IV Benoit: good point...anyway
IV Benoit: you made some interesting comments on the message board concerning
the no-hitter you threw (but lost the game)
IV Benoit: are your feelings any different now?
Peteman66691: a little but i still feel as though i was screwed quite royally
Peteman66691: 80 percent of the pitches i threw normally would have been swung at
Peteman66691: and were off by inches from the "strike zone"....
IV Benoit: no one screwed you, everyone had their pants on if i remember correctly
Peteman66691: however they just decided to be bastards and sit there
IV Benoit: why do you say "strike zone"?
Peteman66691: that is correct
IV Benoit: our strike zone is pretty clear cut
IV Benoit: hits the chair it's a strike
IV Benoit: not a "strike"
Peteman66691: because the zone was altered after that game
IV Benoit: no theoretical strikes in this league
IV Benoit: we play by the rules
IV Benoit: hits the chair, it's a strike
IV Benoit: swing and a miss is a strike
IV Benoit: in fact, a foul ball is a strike
IV Benoit: however you can't get out by hitting foul balls for strikes
Peteman66691: what is the point of these facts?
Peteman66691: other than to stop me from reading the Heart of darkness 
Peteman66691: again
IV Benoit: oh man that blows goats, you gotta read that shit again?
Peteman66691: yessss
Peteman66691: i have to read 45 pages by tomarrow
IV Benoit: that hurts
IV Benoit: well get back to work then
Peteman66691: you know it
Peteman66691: alright, is that all you needed to ask me?
Peteman66691: you should make your webpage seasonal
Peteman66691: have it be "hardcore basketball" in the winter
Peteman66691: cause we can't play wiffleball then
IV Benoit: that's a good idea, except we will all be in college
Peteman66691: and during christmas break we'll be looking for something to do
Peteman66691: yeah we wouldn't be able to do it for long
IV Benoit: that's a good idea though, i'll look into it
Peteman66691: alright, im off to read
Peteman66691: talk to you later
IV Benoit: later
IV Benoit: thanks
Peteman66691: np


IV Benoit: hey nash, need you to answer some questions about wiffleball

Auto response from MackieFloyd0815: I have to do homework? what is this all
about? Homework in college? Well I am not "technically" home.....does that mean i
still have to do it?.....makes you wonder......

MackieFloyd0815: shoot
IV Benoit: ok so let's say you had to choose between playing a game of wiffleball
and eating a Bowl Appetite...which would you choose?
MackieFloyd0815: wiffleball
IV Benoit: interesting, let's say you had to choose between hanging out with all
your friends and watching the astros play baseball on tv?
MackieFloyd0815: astors play baseball on tv
IV Benoit: they are quite good...ok what about if you had to choose between listening
to an entire chumbuwumba album or being struck out by seth three times in one game
MackieFloyd0815: chumbuwumba
MackieFloyd0815: i have pride man!!!
IV Benoit: you wouldn't if seth struck you out that's for sure
MackieFloyd0815: yeah thats right
MackieFloyd0815: why are you asking these questions
MackieFloyd0815: ok i have a question for you, what would you do with one million
IV Benoit: two chicks at the same time
MackieFloyd0815: lol
IV Benoit: what about you? what would you do with a million dollars?
MackieFloyd0815: besides two chicks at once
IV Benoit: yeah of course
MackieFloyd0815: oh, i would not go to class ever
IV Benoit: we talked about winning powerball in sociology today
MackieFloyd0815: cool
MackieFloyd0815: we talked about objects in computer programming
IV Benoit: yeah but anyway i'm just having random conversations with everyone
about wiffleball and i'm gonna put them up with the awards
IV Benoit: i just had one with pete and it's hilarious
MackieFloyd0815: oh cool, ask me an awesome question then
IV Benoit: all right, explain your walk-off homerun celebration
MackieFloyd0815: when i feel the ball hit the bat i look up...there it goes, a small
white ball yet it travels so far....I wait anxiously in anticipation, it seems like
it takes forever, but finally in less than a few seconds the ball lands over the
orange construction fence
MackieFloyd0815: I start to jog towards first
IV Benoit: =-O
MackieFloyd0815: I feeling of total jubilation comes over me, I start to round first
and I pump my fist
MackieFloyd0815: i continue to pump my fist as I round second
MackieFloyd0815: as I approach third I start to invision imaginary people that are in
my way
IV Benoit: ;-)
IV Benoit: :-*
MackieFloyd0815: they feel my same emotion of happiness, but I start to become enraged
that these fake people are blocking my path towards the plate
MackieFloyd0815: the faces need to stop
IV Benoit: sorry
MackieFloyd0815: I throw the imaginary people out of the way.....I see a path and I
take advantage
MackieFloyd0815: a dead sprint towards home, where i embrace my teammates and we
all celebrate a good kirk gibson style walk off home run
IV Benoit: amazing...kirk gibson lives in imfamy
MackieFloyd0815: yes he does
MackieFloyd0815: he is a great man
IV Benoit: and so are you
MackieFloyd0815: thanks buddy
MackieFloyd0815: well man, i am off to.....lift weights....i will see you later
IV Benoit: aight, thanks man
IV Benoit: later
IV Benoit: 8-)
MackieFloyd0815: PISS!!!
IV Benoit: sorry

Auto response from MackieFloyd0815: I am gonna go........lift weights...leave a


IV Benoit: hey henry
RastaHenry: was up dude?
IV Benoit: can i ask you a couple questions about this year's wiffleball season?
RastaHenry: uhhhhh   sure
IV Benoit: what do you think about the introduction of the Negro League this year?
RastaHenry: hmmmm
RastaHenry: sounds pretty odd
RastaHenry: what would be the purpose?
IV Benoit: you don't understand, it's already been introduced
RastaHenry: oh   really?   when?
IV Benoit: this season
RastaHenry: who's in it?
IV Benoit: can't you read MIT boy?
IV Benoit: oh, plenty of niggas
RastaHenry: what does it do?
RastaHenry: when does the season run?
RastaHenry: I see
RastaHenry: anyone I know in it?
IV Benoit: your mom
RastaHenry: is this really chris?
IV Benoit: who else would want to talk to you about wiffleball?
RastaHenry: anwer the question...
IV Benoit: nah man, you got me, guess that's why you go to MIT
IV Benoit: later


IV Benoit: hey al
bigtimeninny: hey there
IV Benoit: let's say i wanted to ask you questions about wiffleball...
bigtimeninny: okay...
IV Benoit: you dominated in the prom day tourney, what could you have done in a full
bigtimeninny: hard to say.  so many have performed exceptionally in their
ellington wiffleball league debuts
bigtimeninny: but then sucked ass
IV Benoit: good point (_)_)=======>>
bigtimeninny: what the...?
IV Benoit: what, what's the big deal
bigtimeninny: umm
IV Benoit: it's just a penis
bigtimeninny: yeah, okay, that's fine with me.
IV Benoit: ok just making sure


IV Benoit: hey bro, can i ask you a couple questions about the 2001 wiffleball season?
DeppyNU: yup
IV Benoit: seriously?
DeppyNU: yeah
IV Benoit: ahhhhh vite
IV Benoit: what pumps you up the most for a wiffleball at bat, a good song, a hot
chick, the sound of the trees rustling...
DeppyNU: do i have to pick one of those three?
IV Benoit: no, whatever pumps you up the most for an at bat
DeppyNU: oh
IV Benoit: yeah dumbass
DeppyNU: definitely a hot chick or a clutch situation
IV Benoit: what if you were clutching the hot chick?
DeppyNU: i wouldn't be playing wiffleball
IV Benoit: that didn't answer the question
IV Benoit: but in any case
DeppyNU: no, if i had a hot chick in my clutch i wouldn't be worrying about wiffleball
IV Benoit: ok cakeeater
IV Benoit: what tennis player do you think would be the best at wiffleball and why?
DeppyNU: anna kournikova 'cause everyone would be watching her instead of the ball
IV Benoit: would you rather have her or me as a partner in the prom day
wiffleball tournament?
DeppyNU: um, you
DeppyNU: 'cause we kick ass together
IV Benoit: hell yeah brother
IV Benoit: well it's been real, i gotta go
DeppyNU: alright


JAG1259M: dude sorry about before i got kickd  off
IV Benoit: that's aight man
JAG1259M: what were you gonna ask
JAG1259M: darn network
IV Benoit: just some stuff about the wiffleball season
JAG1259M: ask away
JAG1259M: i voted for myself by the way by mistake
IV Benoit: that's ok, almost everyone did
IV Benoit: anyway
JAG1259M: :-D
IV Benoit: what did you think about the addition of walks to the league rules?
JAG1259M: i like it it made the games more controled
IV Benoit: which you certainly were not
JAG1259M: i know
IV Benoit: oh crap i just deleted all the changes i made on the wiffleball page
JAG1259M: :-P
IV Benoit: oh well, so anyway, you showed an explosion of power at the end of the
season, what do you attribute it to?
JAG1259M: hip rotation
JAG1259M: :-D
JAG1259M: lol
JAG1259M: im not gonna say it
IV Benoit: not gonna say what
JAG1259M: its all in the wrists
JAG1259M: it had nothing ot do with the bat
IV Benoit: oh yeah the bat
IV Benoit: i forgot about that
JAG1259M: all wrist
JAG1259M: ha ha
IV Benoit: so it had nothing to do with a certiain Mass. Turnpike?
JAG1259M: no not at all but that was a nice post game release
IV Benoit: what exactly did you release? did it taste salty?
JAG1259M: no
JAG1259M: like never mind you know what i mean
JAG1259M: cleever
JAG1259M: ha ha
IV Benoit: i got ya man
IV Benoit: do you miss driving all over the mass. pike?
JAG1259M: ya
JAG1259M: i miss driving in general
JAG1259M: i like the drive 
JAG1259M: on any road
IV Benoit: i hear ya, just be patient
IV Benoit: the traffic jam will soon clear
JAG1259M: i know
IV Benoit: you won't even have to pay a toll
JAG1259M: you got the woman still?
JAG1259M: ha ha i know
JAG1259M: i got ya
IV Benoit: yeah man, it's all good
IV Benoit: we're going to the fireman's fair on saturday
JAG1259M: nice
IV Benoit: yeah


IV Benoit: hey Q, need to talk to you about wiffleball

Auto response from QConnPHI: gone for a work out, leave me a message

QConnPHI: yeah man 
IV Benoit: hey it's about time
QConnPHI: i was workin out with dan
IV Benoit: that's gross, are you guys gay?
QConnPHI: no usually people work out together
QConnPHI: its actually a very normal thing you shoudl try it
IV Benoit: is that what they call it nowadays?
IV Benoit: anyways, i was just wondering how you felt you performed this season in
QConnPHI: very streaky
QConnPHI: are the results up?
IV Benoit: of the awards?
QConnPHI: yeah
IV Benoit: not quite, i'm working on it, by tonight maybe
QConnPHI: ogh ok
QConnPHI: why did you wanna konw how i thought i played 
IV Benoit: because i wanted to know
QConnPHI: oh yeah i was definetly streaky
IV Benoit: what do you feel is the hardest thing about streaking?
QConnPHI: having games wehre you get like 2 or 3 hits with soem rbi's and hten having
a couple of games in a row where you can't even get a hit
QConnPHI: going through the change of having a good night to a very very bad couple
of games 
IV Benoit: i was talking about streaking, like taking your clothes off and running
around naked streaking
QConnPHI: damnit
QConnPHI: damnit 
QConnPHI: damnit
QConnPHI: you sick perv


IV Benoit: brotha
Scrot8522: brotha whats up?
IV Benoit: nothin much, can i ask you some questions about the wiffleball season?
Scrot8522: yes you can
IV Benoit: aight, i was wondering why you feel you had so much more success at
scrotum stadium than at tall jack park?
Scrot8522: umm...i think i had more success at my park cuz the field wasn't flat
all\around i was able to use my opposite field hitting ability to my advanatage...
plus the massive collection of weeds in center field helped
IV Benoit: uh huh (_)_)
Scrot8522: haha
IV Benoit: what will you miss most about wiffleball?
Scrot8522: getting together with my boys and having a blast
IV Benoit: if you saved up for like 4 days do you think you could blast a hole in
the wall?
Scrot8522: oh yeah without a doubt
IV Benoit: that's what i like to hear
Scrot8522: nice
IV Benoit: aight man, that's all i got
Scrot8522: sweet


IV Benoit: hey drew i need to ask you some wiffle questions

Auto response from PitchinGNRx: wake up every morning with Instant Carnation
breakfast drink

IV Benoit: drew are you there
PitchinGNRx: yup, whats up
IV Benoit: did you get my message
PitchinGNRx: yup, ask away 
PitchinGNRx: dont have too much time tho
IV Benoit: aight i'll make it quick
PitchinGNRx: aaaahhhhvite
IV Benoit: tell me the first thing that comes to mind when i say the following stuff
IV Benoit: loss
PitchinGNRx: too many for me
IV Benoit: breast
PitchinGNRx: suculent tender  must be cherished
IV Benoit: homerun
PitchinGNRx: over the green monster
IV Benoit: penis
PitchinGNRx: what would we do without it
IV Benoit: Q
PitchinGNRx: hhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy  (low hoarse monotonous voice)
IV Benoit: lemquisha
PitchinGNRx: uh    a black female porn queen
IV Benoit: curveball
PitchinGNRx: never underestimate the power
IV Benoit: power
PitchinGNRx: nature's driving force
IV Benoit: force
PitchinGNRx: rape
IV Benoit: that's disgousting
PitchinGNRx: someone puking
IV Benoit: no no, rape, that's disgousting
PitchinGNRx: someone thinking that i misunderstood my comment
PitchinGNRx: is that it?
IV Benoit: you're the only person who played with me in these interviews
IV Benoit: i commend you
PitchinGNRx: haha it was fun, well do it again eehssummatime
IV Benoit: yes, thank you dreeeeeeeeeewwwwwww


IV Benoit: hey cristo
Cristafaro: hey my bro how are you?
IV Benoit: just fine thanks
IV Benoit: i was wondering if could talk wiffleball with you for a minute?
Cristafaro: of course
IV Benoit: it's for the wiffleball site
Cristafaro: ok
IV Benoit: how does it feel to be pinch hit for by your dad?
Cristafaro: well it isn't a thrill but at least I have better stats than him
Cristafaro: didn't he pop out?
IV Benoit: yes, very true, and you got a couple hits if i remember correctly
Cristafaro: and wasn't my hit the one that ended the no-hitter?
IV Benoit: with a little more practice, do you think you could be an
ass-whoopin' wiffleball player?
Cristafaro: I think with extensive training I could hold my own and be competitive
IV Benoit: do you like the color of wiffleball bats?
IV Benoit: or would you prefer a nice red, or perhaps hunter green?
Cristafaro: I think each player should spray paint his own bat to express himself
Cristafaro: maybe yellow with painted flames?
IV Benoit: so you would agree with Joan Kron in her essage "The Semiotics of Home
IV Benoit: essay
Cristafaro: I would have to say a sphincter says what
IV Benoit: what?
IV Benoit: what?
Cristafaro: "We will try as best as we can. . . . .  TO CARRRRRRRRRRRRY ON!
IV Benoit: come sail away with me mr. roboto
IV Benoit: because it's a grand illusion
Cristafaro: because deep inside we are all the same
Cristafaro: I am not a hero without emothion i'm not what you see . . . I've come to
help you with your problems so we can be free!
IV Benoit: so if you see me acting strangly
Cristafaro: don't be surprised
IV Benoit: i don't know the rest dun dun dun
Cristafaro: iam just a man who needed someone and somewhere to hide!
IV Benoit: i'm just a man who, needed someone, and somewhere to hide, keep
me alive...keep me alive
IV Benoit: well i think we've had enough styx for one night
Cristafaro: ive got a secret i ve been hiding under my skin,. . . . my heart is human
my blood is boiling my brain IBM
Cristafaro: oh sorry
IV Benoit: haha it's all good
Cristafaro: so is this interview going on the page?
IV Benoit: yup, probably tomorrow
Cristafaro: ok anything else?
IV Benoit: nah, thanks for your time
Cristafaro: if not i best go write a paper for mrs crackhead
IV Benoit: who is that?
Cristafaro: "a funny spanish story"!
Cristafaro: heart
Cristafaro: u called her that
IV Benoit: that's what i thought, lol
Cristafaro: so i am quoting you
IV Benoit: are you in alli's class?
Cristafaro: yup
Cristafaro: i will leave you with this before i go
IV Benoit: ok
Cristafaro: I thought that they were angels. . . but much to my surprise. . .
They climbed aboard their starships and headed for the skies!!!!!!!!! singing COME
Cristafaro signed off at 10:10:24 PM. 


IV Benoit: yo mich
SpOrTzFn24: hey
IV Benoit: this may sound kinda weird but you got a minute to talk wiffleball?
SpOrTzFn24: sure
IV Benoit: cool
SpOrTzFn24: who doesnt have time for wiffleball
IV Benoit: that's what i like to hear
SpOrTzFn24: so whats up
IV Benoit: not much, i was just doing some reflections on the wiffleball season for
the website
SpOrTzFn24: ahh ic
IV Benoit: so what was it like playing with all the guys?
SpOrTzFn24: It was fun, i sucked but I dont think anyone really cared too much. it
was good to be with all the guys. i wish i was there for the all star game
IV Benoit: you know that we didn't really have an all-star game right?
SpOrTzFn24: haha ya i was joking.. oh my gosh.. hahaha
IV Benoit: yeah, i deserve a nut slap for that and for forgetting to put you into it
SpOrTzFn24: ya you jerk
IV Benoit: (_)_)======>> go ahead and slap it
IV Benoit: i mean
SpOrTzFn24: you can quote me saying that i was pissed i missed it because i had to
go to... (hmm....)
SpOrTzFn24: where would i be if i wasnt there
IV Benoit: ummm, shopping?
IV Benoit: to lift weights?
SpOrTzFn24: was alli in it? I never finished reading it my internet is messed up
SpOrTzFn24: i got like halfway through
IV Benoit: alli calls and i have to leave to answer the call at the most important
part of the game and can't bat
SpOrTzFn24: oh right i read that
SpOrTzFn24: well you can quote me that i was pissed i missed such a good game becuase
me and alli had to go shopping (and we called you from shopping)
IV Benoit: ok, sounds good


© 2001-2002 Chris Deptula, All Rights Reserved (well not really it's too expensive). This league is in no way affiliated with the The Wiffle Ball Inc. in Shelton, CT (CT pride, baby), although we are affiliated with those about to rock (we salute you) and someday our league will have its own judicial system so Drew can be fined for being late and Q can be suspended for being pissy.